Service Matters. Get Involved.

The One Utah Service Fellowship was enacted into law with the mission to provide opportunities for young adults to participate in sustainable and high-impact service to address the critical priorities and needs in Utah while recieving financial benefits towards their education.

The One Utah Service Fellowship Program is comprised of 4 components:

[Experience] Fellows are placed at nonprofit organizations or government agencies and serve under the mentorship of a senior-level professional.

[Exploration] Fellows attend an orientation and frequent professional development events to strengthen their understanding of the sector in which they are placed.

[Exposure] Fellows attend meetings and networking events, and are given opportunities to connect with Utah’s leaders.

[Engagement] Fellows mobilize community members in groups of 5 or more to engage in a volunteer project that supports the Fellow’s Placement Site or the Community their site directly impacts.

Not eligible for the Fellowship?

There’s a reason Utah is ranked 4 of 50 in State Volunteerism. If you are not eligible to serve with the One Utah Service Fellowship there are plenty of opportunities still available to you! Check them out below.


Service Programs in Utah

Learn more about other AmeriCorps Programs in the state that work in other areas and with more than just young adults.

National Service outside of Utah

Learn more about the National Service Opportunities and AmeriCorps programs across the country.


National Days of Service

One Time Volunteer Opportunities